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  • Cold Forging Process
  • Cold Forging Process


    Cold forging is a process of forging parts at room temperature below recrystallization temperature.This process ensures higher accurate dimensions of finished products than the hot forging process.

    cold forging press processing

    Manufacturers may prefer cold over hot forging process; since cold forged parts require very little or no finishing work. Since all bars are annealed before being forged, there is no need for a secondary heat treatment prior to machining. Another significant advantage is the material savings achieved through near net shapes. The initial weight of the workpiece equals the final weight of the cold forged component.  Cold forged parts offer a good level of attainable dimensional accuracy and excellent surface quality.

    The economic advantages combined with high production rates and long die life are more than enough to convince many manufacturers that cold forging is the best option for them.

    cold forging press
